Friday 25 November 2011

Treasuring it all in my heart

Sweet Adelaide,

You are sleeping soundly in your crib right now. I hope you are having the sweetest of dreams. The past couple days with you have been great. You have been full of snuggles and smiles! Yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner you couldn't take your eyes off your great grandpa banfield. Take advantage of your time with your wonderful grandparents and learn as much as you can from them - they are all wonderful people! I've been studying you a lot lately, trying to take mental notes of the things you do so I can lock them away, treasure them in my heart for always. But in case I forget, I will write them here. You've been really into standing lately. Of course, not on your own, but while holding my thumbs in your precious little hands. It's so fun to watch you pull and push with all your might to go from a semi-reclined position to a standing one. As soon as you get all the way up, you grin from ear to ear. To see the look of joy on your face when you succeed in doing what you set out to do... I imagine it will only continue to melt my heart as you get older and the task gets bigger. There are those tines though when I know you are truly our daughter because you get so frustrated when you can't do something - part of the reason you hate tummy time so much. It frustrates you to no end that you can't already pick your head up and crawl around. Sometimes I'll get down on my tummy and encourage you and it always amazes me how much harder you try when I am down there with you. I hope your daddy and I can continue to encourage you and cheer for you in everything and that no goal will be too high for you. I love you so much sweet girl. There's so much more I can say, but you've already been asleep an hour and that's one less hour of sleep for me! I can't wait to see your smiling face in the morning. :)

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