Wednesday 7 December 2011

Growing right along!

Sweet Adelaide,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a couple weeks. Our little family has been under the weather and sleeping excessively as a result (you included!). Right now Daddy is at church about to teach the youth on the importance of "right sizing" God. He is such a blessing to so many people. You and I are just hanging out, snuggling together and enjoying some alone time. Lately I can't seem to get enough time with you to satisfy. You are growing so fast and my heart just wants to hold on to these moments while I can. I am so excited to watch you grow and see the girl/woman you become. But I am also loving the tiny you that can snuggle on my chest and be held in the crook of my arm. You are so precious. Recently you've become more interested in the things around you. The other night, I laid you on your back underneath the little bird that sings when you swing him. You were content to make him swing for almost an hour. You would kick your legs against the pole until he was swinging fast enough to sing and then smile really big. I tried to video it but unfortunately i would miss the best moments. I snuck over to the nursery earlier today and watched you lying in your crib smiling up at the mobile. You've also been holding your head up for long stretches of time and can lift your head neck and shoulders off the ground while lying on your tummy (though you still hate tummy time). Newborn clothes officially don't fit you and I'm sad to say, some of your 0-3 month clothes are already looking a bit snug. Last week we took you to the doctor with what we thought might've been an ear infection (a case of the "everybody else is worried and urging you to call the doc"). Fortunately you came away with a viral cold diagnosis and the knowledge that you have gained a little over 3 and a half pounds in the past (almost) 3 months (you weigh 11lbs 10 oz). We are so blessed by you, sweet girl, and look forward to crooning over every little milestone you reach. We know God has huge things in store for your life and pray that you will live out of His will.

With love abundant,
Your mama

P.S. Do not follow my grammatical example. Your late great grandfather bushing would Be appalled at my lack of grammatically sound sentences and paragraphs. But this is a blog, and I'm typing on thr iPad, so it makes it more challenging ;)

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