Saturday 31 December 2011

What I like about you.

Sweet Adelaide,

I'm sorry that I've not written in a few weeks. I did handwrite you a letter that maybe someday I'll type and add on here. Until then, it will be in your baby book :)

My, how much can change in a matter of a few weeks!! You are not the same little newborn I wrote to in my last post. No, now you are officially an infant!! Congrats! With infancy, you've already accomplished so much! You can roll from your tummy to your back (thank goodness because being on your tummy is pretty much the worst, at least in your mind!) you can almost roll from back to tummy with a little help. You can sit up by yourself for approximately .35 seconds. And we've upped our sit up reps to ten! What a champ you are. These past few weeks have been especially fun because you've started giggling with (at?) us, which is definitely the greatest sound in the universe. As I watch you grow and literally show off something new everyday, I can't help but chronicle my list of top favorite things you do that make my heart swell. It's an ever growing list and will probably never be finished, but here are some of the things I've already added: I call it my "What I like (love) about you" list (cue The Romantics (and yes, I did have to google who sings that song))

1. I love the smile that takes over your whole face when I lay you in your crib and you see your mobile

2. I love when you can't decide whether to be happy or sad so you pout your lip out then smile real big.

3. I love when you're lying on your play mat with your little bird friend and you get excited because you made it sing, either by kicking the post or grabbing the ring

4. I love when you're nursing and all the sudden you just start smiling and giggle.

5. I love when you're crying and it sounds just like you're saying "mama I need milk!"

6. I love when you try to grab my face when I'm talking to you

7. I love when you snuggle your face into my shoulder

8. I love the joy that lights up your face when you accomplish something

9. I love when you see yourself in the mirror and grin and hide your face

10. I love that God can use you, at just 3 months old, to teach me lessons on how to be more Christlike. Imagine what He will do through you as you continue to grow and mature! I can't wait.

You are treasured, my little Ada Roo!!

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