Tuesday 12 April 2011

I am what they call "too blessed to be stressed" :)

Did I mention how thankful I am??? Maybe it didn't seem like it in my last two posts, but I am incredibly thankful for every breath, every ache, every laugh, every thought, every flutter. I have such a loving, God-seeking husband that strives each day to serve me in humility and love and without him, I am certain I would fall to pieces. Together we have a sweet, obedient and cuddle-loving puppy that brings us hours of entertainment. I have the great honor and privilege of teaching and learning from a group of smart, funny, energetic, silly four and five year olds that constantly remind me what Christ meant when he challenged us to have faith like a child. I also am so blessed to have not one, but two jobs, both of which I love and with coworkers and management that encourage me to work hard and do the best I possibly can. I get to make coffee and smoothies twice a week with a friend and meet all kinds of crazy people along the way. My husband also has a job that allows him the freedom to drive me to and from work in a car that we no longer have to make payments on. Together we get to disciple, love on, learn from, and hang out with some really great youth and college people who hold us accountable and keep us on our toes. We have wonderful family both down the street and around the country who care for us and offer timely advice coupled with endless memories. And here in a few months, we will receive the gift and burden (and I truly mean that in a positive sense) of caring for, instructing, and discplining another human life. God-willing, and with His unending grace and wisdom, we will get to watch our child grow up as a true disciple. But more than all that, I serve a loving God who, in his justice and mercy, did the only thing He could do, sacrifice his one and only, perfect, son so that He could spend eternity with me and those around me who call on His name.

I am so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love those crazy people that come into our coffee shop haha
