Thursday 20 January 2011

Work... Except it's not really work.

So as I write this, there are 15 precious sleeping children all around me. (Talk about trying to not fall asleep!) I absolutely LOVE my job. I love the kids that are in my class. Each one of them really offers something so special.  Sam and I started watching the Christy series on Netflix.  I watched it a few summers back but we had been wanting to see it again.  If you haven't seen it (or better yet, read the book) I strongly recommend it.  We've only just finished the pilot episode but already I am loving it all over again.  The stories of the mountain folk and their rivalries and struggles and challenges is so fascinating to me.  I really love learning about other cultures and looking into why people are the way they are.  Because at the end of it all, we are all basically the same.  Each one of us has something special to offer, but at our cores, we crave the same things.  We crave peace. We crave companionship.  We long to be a part of something - something bigger than ourselves. The kids in my class express these core traits everyday.  The little girls are all the time complaining about each other and how so and so won't play with so and so.  The little boys are constantly trying to rescue one another from whatever bad guy lurks in the classroom that day.  And all of them seek my approval in everything.  "Mrs Heather! Watch this!" "Mrs Heather! Look what I made!". I admit, sometimes it's exhausting. But when I stop to think about it, it makes me smile.  We all want to be loved.  And in all that, whether we realize it or admit it, we all long desperately for a Creator, One that would stoop down into our filth, pick us up, and carry us off into the sunset because He is wild about us. And in those same small people I spend my days with, I see glimpses off that very Creator.  I see him in the way they smile at each other. The way the little girl who just doesn't quite fit in continues to love her classmates regardless of how they neglect her. The way the little boy sees his friend crying in a corner and walks over simply to offer his favorite toy to cheer his friend up.  I feel it in the way they squeeze me each morning when they first arrive.  I am so blessed to serve a God that has endowed each of his beloved children with the gift of being in His likeness.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by such beauty.  In all my days of flu-driven isolation, I found that while I really enjoy sleeping, there is a much greater satisfaction that comes from doing the work God has blessed me with.  I'm sorry that my posts don't really have clear, thought out and prepared topics.  Sometimes the mere wonder of God amazes me that I just ramble on and on about it.  I guess what I'm trying to say is I am so very thankful for the life God has given me and I pray I will be sensitive to every nudging of the Spirit in every moment of my life.

In other news, Sam's song "Dimples" was debuted on public radio this afternoon!  Of course, I have a vested interest in his music, and a special fondness for that song, so I was beyond excited.  Even though it was on AM radio and it was played by some friends from church, it's still the radio and it was still my husband's own song!  The neat thing is that one of his songs will be played each week for a month (unfortunately we missed the first week, stupid flu!) so next Thursday around 3:10, tune in to AM 590 if you live in the greater Rutherford area and show your support!  

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