Sunday 16 January 2011

Going to myself?

So this morning, since I am still subjected to this bed, I didn't get to go to church with Sam. Not a terribly big deal, except that that is one of my most favorite places to be with him. But I am trying to make the best of all this, so I decided to just have my own church service here at home. People do it all the time, right? I played my worship songs (which was awesome because they played all my faves, which we all know is the most important part;) I spent time in prayer. I read my bible. And I even downloaded a sermon and listened to the whole thing. The only things missing were the standing and sitting and standing and sitting and ...the people. I've had a really great morning. I have. I've spent time with my Lord, which is always always always a blessing. But there's just something significantly off when "going to church" means staying by yourself. Isn't the whole premise of "the church" simply the believers? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. Spending time one on one with Christ is awesome, nay, absolutely ESSENTIAL to being a Christ follower. But one thing God has blessed us with, especially here in America, and encourages us in is the presence of other believers in our life. Hebrews 10:25 even tells us to keep meeting together - don't give up on that precious time with other believers! There are a lot of Christians who are fine to sit at home Sunday mornings and watch the preacher on tv or listen to the latest podcast from Joel Osteen (gag). But they are really missing out. I am so thankful for our church family at Cornerstone. We have met some incredible people and are continually challenged and encouraged each Sunday and Wednesday we are there. I know it can be hard to find a church like ours. It can be draining, discouraging, and seemingly worthless. But there's a reason God tells us in Hebrews to not give up on it. Because He knows it is for our own good. A church provides support, teaching, fellowship, strength, perspective. It creates a networking system for us to serve, give, support, and pray for other believers. I know God can and does work in my life even on days like today when I can't make it to the church building. But because I belong to a local body of believers, I also know I have a whole congregation praying for me, loving me, and ready to teach and be taught by me and for that, I am eternally grateful.

I really didnt have a reason for writing this other than to say I can't wait to get to be back in the building at Cornerstone with my church family, worshipping the One True God.


  1. Joel Osteen's church is in Houston, I was so planning on taking you there when and if you ever came to visit...but I guess you don't really like him. That's a shame. I was hoping you could go that way you will always have a happy and wealthy life.

  2. P.S. I might comment on every single blog post that you write!
